Saturday, March 28, 2020

Barton Tutor Support

Barton Tutor SupportIf you are looking for a Barton tutor support system, then you will be glad to know that the ones that you need is easy to find. All you have to do is to log on to the internet and you can choose from among the many different programs and tutors available. The Barton tutor system has so many advantages and features that are able to make your life easier and more efficient. And all these programs are well suited for the younger students of Barton in particular.What makes the Barton tutor support system an advantage is the fact that it gives online access to the many student tutors and the tutor support. What this means is that you can check out the tutor at the comfort of your home and at the same time you are able to offer the tutoring to your own child without any hassle. This feature is so much helpful for parents who would otherwise have to spend their entire night searching for the Barton tutor at the school. It gives you an extra boost when you go to your chi ld's school to check on the progress.Another big advantage of the Barton tutor support is that it provides instant response to all the queries that the parent may have regarding the tutoring process. At the first sign of any problem you will have a chance to get in touch with the tutor for assistance and an answer to your query. However if you have any queries, it is better that you should inform the tutor about it before hand so that you can save yourself from any confusion later. But in case you do not wish to do that, then you will be able to send any query directly to the tutor via email or SMS.The Barton tutor support also offers different packages for different people, which will make your task easier. For example, if you are looking for the Barton tutor support for an ESL student, then you can find it here. It is advisable to explore the different packages that the Barton tutor supports so that you get the best out of the Barton tutoring.There are lots of Barton tutors, howev er the Barton tutor system and Barton tutor service that I am talking about will provide you with the tutor that can help you in a much better way. You will be able to find some of the best Barton tutors in the Barton system. For instance, you can select the first option, which will give you access to one or two very good Barton tutors.You need to be very careful while selecting the tutor for your child. While selecting a tutor, you should choose those who are experienced and have a good reputation among the students. On the other hand, you need to be extra careful about the program that you are choosing as it may not be of much use to your child.As long as you are cautious while choosing the tutor, you will be able to select only the best tutors and will be able to make your life easy. Also you need to consider the qualification of the tutor before you select him or her. Thus you will have a very good idea of the quality of the tutor will be able to help your child in a better way. Thus you will not only save money but also will have a lot of fun.

Friday, March 6, 2020


51Talk 51Talk 51Talk, the premier online English school in China, specializes in providing quality English online training by facilitating collaborative cultural exchanges between its teachers and students. Make a difference in the lives of young learners from the comfort of your own home. 51Talk, an NYSE-listed company, is a leading, global online English-education platform, and we want experienced K-12 English teachers to join our team of 10,000+ teachers around the world to spread the joy of English-learning online. In todays world, progress is essential and change is constant. 51Talk continuously responds and adjusts to these demands, maintaining the high standards and top quality service of our brand. 51Talk is changing the online ESL scene by using a more conducive approach to learning. We want to revolutionize the way online English education is marketed and offered. Our mission is to give Chinese students an equal opportunity in acquiring first-class English education. We offer promising alternative careers to those who seek stability. The vision we are living out aims to bring out the best in each of us. We also aim to motivateour teachers by providing a full spectrum of teaching, learning, and earning opportunities along with a suite of professional development courses. 51Talk 51Talk 51Talk, an NYSE publicly listed company, is the leading online English education company in China and in the Philippines, with both the most customers and the largest foreign teacher number. 51Talk aims at providing a comprehensive, all-in-one online education platform through its unique foreign teacher 1 to 1 teaching model. World-class venture funds and top-tier investors favor 51Talk and have awarded it vast investment. The only online education company part of the prestigious Deloitte Technology Fast 50 China list, 2015 The only online English education company recommended by Brand Story, an influential feature show in China by CCTV, the national TV network Endorsed by Li Na, the tennis super star, and highly recommended by two of Chinas prominent investors, Lei Jun and Xu Xiaoping, 51Talk enjoys an international reputation for its high quality learning system. Are you passionate about teaching and sharing what you know? JOIN OUR 6,000 HAPPY TEACHERS. If you want to make a difference for a better world, join us NOW!

5 Ways to Help ESL Students Study for the ACT and SAT

5 Ways to Help ESL Students Study for the ACT and SAT 5 Ways to Help ESL Students Study for the ACT and SAT 5 Ways to Help ESL Students Study for the ACT and SAT Many students from other countries would like to study at an American university. With such a geographically and culturally diverse country, there are fabulous opportunities for students from other countries to have an international educational experience. Additionally, many young students move to the US when they are in elementary or middle school and will speak multiple languages. Although a great benefit over time, students who speak English as their second or third language may find the English language portions of the ACT and SAT to be a challenge.  Fortunately, there are a few things ESL students can do in order to improve their chances of a good score on either exam. 1. Vocab! The vocabulary sections are a mystery to students whether they speak English as their first language or not. In addition to the straightforward vocab section on the SAT both exams offer vocabulary in context. New and unusual words are found all throughout the SAT verbal portions and the ACT English portion. Students are encouraged to learn a few new words each day to expand their test prep vocabulary over time. 2. Essay proofreading One of the biggest issues that ESL students face on either exam is time management and proofreading. With such a short amount of time to even write the essay, proofreading often gets pushed to the side. However, its especially important for ESL students to practice proofreading their essays, either as they go or at the end, in order to make sure that spelling, grammar, and sentence structure are all in line with Standard American English. One way students can do this is to work with a tutor who can help them identify their common mistakes so that on the day of the exam they can do a quick scan of their essay and look for things they are most likely to make a mistake on rather than attempt to do a close proofreading and run out of time (READ: Tips from a Private Irvine Tutor: 4 Apps to Improve Spelling). 3. Math word problems Math is the same in any language and numbers are numbers but many of the math problems on both exams can come in the form of a word problem. Although tricky for all students, students who speak and read English as their second language may find it difficult to pick out the numerical information buried within the English language text. This is a situation where practice makes perfect, and ESL students are encouraged to go through as many word problems as possible in their test prep book and learn to pick out numerical information until they get it down to a science. 4. Words in context Although words in context may seem similar to studying vocabulary, they are actually a much more complicated issue.  One word can mean many different things when used differently in a sentence and can also have different emotional meanings depending on whom the speaker is and who theyre speaking to.  Words in context are especially important to the long passages on the SAT and can earn or lose students many points (READ: ESL Study Tips For Taking the SAT). 5. Reading graphs and charts Charts and graphs in the science section are only found in the current ACT. In reality, the science section has nothing to do with science and everything to do with how to read a chart or graph. This is an incredibly difficult section for students who speak English as their first or second language because it can be unclear what information needs to be used and which information needs to be ignored. ESL students are encouraged to work with their tutor to determine which information they can simply cross out and which information is crucial to solving the problem. TutorNerds has the best private ESL tutors in Orange County! Call us today and ask about our test prep tutoring services for ESL students. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Top digital literacy resources for teachers [With free lesson plan]

Top digital literacy resources for teachers [With free lesson plan] Incorporating digital tools and technologies within the classroom has fast become central to effective teaching and learning. As educators, we know that our pedagogical skills, knowledge and strategies need to adapt - and adapt quickly - in order to keep up in an increasingly digital world. Of course, if you’ve ever searched online for teaching resources, you also know from bitter experience that finding the right ones can prove to be quite the challenge. With so much information on digital literacy in education out there (a quick Google search for “digital literacy resources” alone yields over three million results), wading through the wealth of irrelevant search results can be a real drain on your limited lesson-planning time. Luckily, figuring out effective and fun ways to use digital tools and technologies in the classroom no longer has to be a monumental task. We’ve taken the guesswork out for you by rounding up our favorite online digital literacy resources for teachers. Check them out below! 5 resources for teaching digital literacy in the classroom 1. Digital Learning for the K-8 Classroom For any K-8 teacher looking to boost student learning in new and innovative ways, Teachers College, Columbia University’s 100% online digital literacy training program is a one-stop shop for everything you need to become a digitally literate teacher - in every sense of the term. Designed by leading digital literacy expert and award-winning educator Detra Price-Dennis and delivered by Teach Away, the course is self-paced and was specifically created for busy, working K-8 teachers looking to bring their teaching practice up to date for the 21st-century classroom. Digital Learning for the K-8 Classroom covers the latest digital literacy curriculum planning tips, strategies and resources to help you craft effective lesson plans, like this free digital storytelling lesson plan, that are specifically designed to foster your students’ core digital literacies. 2. Common Sense Education Common Sense is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving digital literacy among young people. You can find a huge array of digital literacy resources for teachers on Common Sense, including videos, activities, printables and more, all targeted towards helping you better integrate various digital tools and technology in your classroom. 3. Media Smarts Although primarily geared towards Canadian educators, the Use, Understand Create digital literacy framework developed by Media Smarts is an excellent resource for teachers looking for digital literacy resources, regardless of where you’re located in the world. Media Smarts not only covers hot topics around media literacy, young people and the internet - including teaching students about fake news - it also offers online tutorials for teachers looking to implement basic digital literacy principles in their classroom. Media Smarts’ resources for teachers are split into several different age groups, with lesson content ideas developed specifically for each grade. 4. Microsoft Digital Literacy Curriculum Through a range of free online introductory courses, Microsoft Digital Literacy Curriculum aims to better equip teachers and students with the essential media and digital literacy skills they need in order to navigate the digital world safely and confidently Topics covered include computer basics and best practices around safe internet usage. There are also a number of resources on offer for teachers looking to implement key learnings from the curriculum in their classroom. 5. Carnegie Cyber Academy Carnegie Cyber Academy is a fun online tool for teachers looking to supplement their digital literacy classroom activities. Through its online training academy, Carnegie Cyber Academy students learn key online safety practices. Students (or “cadets”) complete training missions in a fun and interactive platform and only “graduate” once they have successfully worked through each mission. So there you have it - our exclusive run-down of the best online digital literacy resources for teachers. In our earlier blog, we also shared our guide to the latest digital literacy apps teachers are using in their classrooms right now. Don’t forget to grab your free copy today!

Did Queen Elizabeth Really Get Tutored in College?

Did Queen Elizabeth Really Get Tutored in College?Did Queen Elizabeth receive tutoring? How do we know she did? Let's look at the facts of the matter.There is only one point to consider: did Queen Elizabeth receive tutoring for her college classes? After all, she may have had a great deal of help, but did she receive tutoring for her college courses?Actually, one of the people who worked on Elizabeth's college homework was her tutor. Her tutor was a man named Thomas Kennerly, and Kennerly later went on to become a clerk in the office of the Secretary of State of England. It is interesting to note that there is no record that any student in Elizabeth's school ever asked him for help with their homework.One of the things that we must always remember about the fact that Queen Elizabeth never wrote any college essays or thesis has to do with what kinds of writings are needed. The writing samples that we have for Elizabeth indicate that she usually only wrote short essays or some notes an d comments. In many cases, she used the same handwriting on all her writing materials.On the other hand, the theory of Margaret Beaufort, the Queen's governess, and that of another former tutor, Joan Lloyd, suggest that Elizabeth probably received some degree of 'assistance' with her schoolwork. They both would have made a good argument that Elizabeth was far ahead of her time when it came to academic work, and they also would have implied that she received some form of tutoring.However, since most scholars today agree that Elizabeth had never had any formal instruction of any kind in her early years, we are left with the conclusion that she was never tutored at all. As we will see, this is acritical issue. It is important that we keep this point in mind as we look at all the other evidence about Elizabeth.Indeed, it is well worth keeping this point in mind when we consider all the events surrounding the fact that Queen Elizabeth never wrote any college essays or thesis. We should n ever forget to remember that in many ways, Elizabeth was an outlier in her own day.

Tutor Jobs Online - Tutors Everywhere Earn A Living By Not Being Teaches

Tutor Jobs Online - Tutors Everywhere Earn A Living By Not Being TeachesAs mentioned earlier, yes, it is true that indeed English tutor is now the most popular choice of any child's education system. Yet it should be borne in mind that for certain students and even for adults too, tutor jobs are out of reach. Unless you are a national of the United States, unfortunately, you might not be able to find an English tutor job which suits your needs and requirements.The reason being this: your experience in the job market may be inadequate. An employer would not hire someone who has less than five years of experience in the language. You also cannot expect to find a job in which you will be a part of the program being offered by a school. Unless you are a teacher or a tutor, you may not be in a position to understand all of the plans of the school or company.However, with the advent of such an adventitious field as tutoring, there is now a way by which a student can find an ideal job as tu tor without the fear of being barred from employment. And this is no mean trick as a tutor can make good money at home without having to do any type of traveling or travel.This is because tutor jobs are more job oriented today and the business has changed in a big way. These days, businesses are more concerned about the efficiency of their employees and therefore, hire only those who have the potential to be good students and hence, make them productive. They want employers to see that their future employees are fit enough for the position.To be more specific, online activities such as homework assignments, essay writing, tutorial projects, and the like have become a rage among students. Most of the employers want to assess a student's skill before making a decision on hiring one.In this regard, you can always apply for such tutor jobs abroad. For an aspiring student, this can be a big help. There are many people who study abroad and find their way to earn a living through tutor job s.One such person is Jessica Cox-Reeves, who earned her master's degree in English with distinction. She is a tutor in a foreign school and is the author of 'English Tutor: The Careers of a Pro'.

Chapter 16 Solutions Chemistry Answers

Chapter 16 Solutions Chemistry AnswersThe chapters in this book have chemists and students ready to start the preparation of great textbooks. If you are thinking about buying a chemical textbook for home study, Chapter 16 Solutions Chemistry Answers is something that you will really want to read.Organic chemistry is one of the most famous branches of chemistry that you can take as a career. In this book, you will find great information about organic chemistry. The information about organic chemistry in this book is all new and useful for any chemist. You can learn about the different reactions involved in this subject.There are lots of basic concepts that are present in this book. Most of these concepts are similar to what is taught in a regular chemistry class. Some of the concepts are new to you and will be interesting to learn as well. You will also find out that this book has good chemistry that you can apply to your job, hobby clubs.If you want to know how to prepare organic che mistry solutions, this book will be helpful. You will learn how to prepare organic solvents that are useful in making organic molecules. Organic solvents are needed in chemical reactions because they are strong enough to break up molecules so they can be used again.This book has excellent chapters on organic solvents and examples to make use of them. It has sections on each specific type of organic solvent. The section on alcohols is an example, you will find out how to prepare ethanol and acetic acid solutions.There are several sections in this book, and each section contains very valuable information. Each chapter contains everything that you need to know about organic solvents. With chapter 16 Solutions Chemistry Answers, you will have the right chemistry textbook for home study.If you are considering using this book as a textbook for home study, Chapter 16 Solutions Chemistry Answers is a very good addition to your chemistry collection. This book is not expensive and has all the information that you will need to start learning organic chemistry.